Sunday, May 9, 2010

Numero Uno

In life God gives us someone who makes a huge impact in our lives. That person gives us something, it could be anything from material stuff to words of wisdom and words to live by, that will help us win in life.

You were always there for me. You were there when I needed a hug. You were there when I needed and ear. You never stopped caring even if at times I was rather stubborn. You always had patience. You never stopped loving me even if hurt you so many times, when I would abuse your kindness. You never gave up on me even when I had given up on myself. You were always my number one fan and treated my works and achievements as if they were gold and diamond. And I firmly believe that no matter what, when everyone has left my side that you will still be at my side until forever is through.

I may not always show it, but I thank God that you are part of my life. I love you and you will always be the number one girl in my life, MOM.

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