The real world! The place where people sell themselves to be a different person. To subject themselves to a controlled environment, what for? The answer is simple, to get by each day. The corporate world has a lot of rules in which we have to follow.

There are times in which we have to sacrifice ourselves, like who we want to be and the like in order to get by. A corporate sell out as what others say. But the thing is we can be who we want and still be "A corporate sell out" by not giving up on our passions and goals and dreams.

But even if the corporate world is a place where people live or die, one has got to admit that in the corporate world you have to look good. That is where suiting up comes into play. One must projectehis desire to "succeed".
Just remember this, success is not link with how much you earn but it is link with how you live your life. Be a corporate sell out but also don't forget your dreams and passion.